Monday, August 18, 2014

BONNEY Staffing Center is a 2014 Best Place to Work!

For the third year in a row, BONNEY Staffing Center has been chosen as one of the Best Places To Work in Maine! We are honored to be one of the 70 Maine companies to win this award in 2014. The Best Places to Work in Maine program was created in 2006 and is a project of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) - Maine State Council and Best Companies Group. The program recognizes companies that have created outstanding workplace environments in Maine.

Partners endorsing the program include: the Maine State Chamber of Commerce, Maine HR Convention, the Maine Department of Labor, the Maine Department of Economic and Community Development, Mainebiz magazine, and

This statewide survey and awards program was designed to identify, recognize and honor the best places of employment in Maine, benefiting the state's economy, its workforce and businesses. The 2014 Best Places to Work in Maine list is made up of companies in three size categories: Small (15-49 U.S. employees), Medium (50-249 U.S. employees) and Large (250+ U.S. employees).

Companies from across the state entered the two-part process to determine the Best Places to Work in Maine. The first part consisted of evaluating each nominated company's workplace policies, practices, and demographics and the second part consisted of an employee survey to measure the employee experience.

BONNEY took part in the Best Places to Work in Maine awards ceremony on October 8 and was profiled in a special publication by Mainebiz!

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The 2014 Best Places to Work in Maine:


Albin, Randall & Bennett, Portland
BONNEY Staffing Center, Portland
Hall Internet Marketing, Portland
Holden Agency, Portland
Kennebec Federal Savings, Waterville
MPX, Portland
Nurse Anesthesia of Maine, Brewer
PeoplesChoice Credit Union, Saco
Pierce, Portland
Plixer International, Inc., Kennebunk
RLC Engineering, LLC, Hallowell
Sage Data Security LLC, Portland
TruChoice Federal Credit Union, South Portland


Allagash Brewing Co., Portland
Allen Insurance and Financial, Camden
Androscoggin Bank, Lewiston
Apothecary By Design, Portand
Bar Harbor Bank & Trust, Bar Harbor
Bath Savings Institution, Bath
Bedard Pharmacy and Medical Supplies, Auburn
BlueTarp Financial, Portland
CashStar, Inc., Portland
Clark Insurance, Portland
Coastal Women's Healthcare, Scarborough
Community Care, Bangor
Connectivity Point, Auburn
Day's Jewelers. Waterville
F.A. Peabody Company, Houlton
FISC Solutions, Lewiston
Good Shepherd Food Bank, Auburn
GreenPages Technology Solutions, Kittery
Harriman, Auburn
Infinity Federal Credit Union, Westbrook
Kepware Technologies, Portland
Machias Savings Bank, Machias
Maine Credit Union League & Synergent, Portland
Maine Savings Federal Credit Union, Augusta
Maine State Credit Union, Augusta
Mechanics Savings Bank, Auburn
Moody's Collision Centers, Inc., Gorham
Patriot Subaru, Saco
Putney, Inc, Portland
SeniorsPlus, Lewiston
Skowhegan Savings Bank, Skowhegan
Systems Engineering, Inc., Portland
Thayer Corporation, Auburn
Tom's of Maine, Kennebunk
Town & Country Federal Credit Union, South Portland
Winxnet, Portland


Androscoggin Home Care and Hospice, Lewiston
athenahealth, Inc., Belfast
Bangor Savings Bank, Bangor
Barclays, Wilton
Carbonite, Inc., Lewiston
CIANBRO, Pittsfield
Cintas Corporation, Westbrook
Consigli Construction Co., Inc., Portland
Diversified Communications, Portland
Edward Jones, Belfast
Geiger Group, Lewiston
Hancock Lumber Company, Casco
Hollywood Casino Bangor, Bangor
InterMed, P.A., South Portland
Kaplan University Maine Campuses, South Portland
Maine Veterans' Homes, Augusta
New Balance Athletic Shoe Inc., Norridgewalk
T-Mobile US, Oakland
Tyler Technologies, Inc., Yarmouth
Unum, Portland

For more information on the Best Places to Work in Maine program, visit or contact Jackie Miller at 877-455-2159.

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